On Sunday August 4th, the Braintree Historical Society will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the annual Old Home Day gathering at the historic Braintree Hill Meetinghouse at 2756 Braintree Hill Road.
Old Home Day, 1975
This yearly tradition was begun in 1924 and reflected a growing desire throughout New England to bring together family and friends who had moved away. Following the end of the Civil War many Vermont towns had seen steady declines in their populations as younger residents moved west to farm more favorable (and flat) soils. By the first quarter of the 20th century this dispersion of families was being felt throughout New England. Thus was born the Old Home Day tradition - a day for calling back to their ancestral homeland the folks who had moved away; a chance to reunite, share in the fellowship of the meetinghouse followed by a picnic lunch. In Braintree this tradition was first begun by the Congregationalist Society who worshiped at the Meetinghouse. At Old Home Day in 1970, following the death of the last remaining member of the church, the keys and the deed to the Meetinghouse were turned over to the Braintree Historical Society who has put on Old Home Day ever since.
To mark the 100th Old Home Day, the Historical Society invites any and all to join them on Sunday August 4 for a 1:30pm community hymn sing followed at 2:00pm by an ecumenical service by the Reverend Timothy Eberhardt and special bluegrass inspired musical numbers by young area fiddler Ben Donnelly. The service will be followed by a free “Bean Hole Baked Bean” Supper (bring a side dish to share) organized by Doug Bent and Shirley Hook and a birthday cake prepared by Pamela Issenman of Sweet P Bakes, in Braintree. Self guided tours of the historic Braintree Hill Cemetery will be ongoing throughout the day. There is no charge for any of the day’s activities. To commemorate the occasion, a group photo of everyone who attends will be taken at 3:30. The Historical Society’s museum will be open for viewing throughout the event.
All are welcome for what should be a fine day on Braintree Hill. The address of the Meetinghouse is 2756 Braintree Hill Road. For more information about this event, the Meetinghouse, or the Braintree Historical Society please contact Jackson Evans at 802-345-5684 or braintreevthistoricalsociety@gmail.com.